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What are the packaging materials used for medical devices and other medical products?

What are the packaging materials used for medical devices and other medical products?

Nov 09.2023
Medical packaging materials are special materials used for packaging medical devices, drugs, and other items, mainly including the following types:
Plastic packaging materials, such as high-density polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc., have good barrier properties, transparency, corrosion resistance, and processability, and are currently one of the widely used materials in medical packaging.
Glass packaging materials: such as neutral glass, borosilicate glass, etc., have good barrier properties, chemical stability, transparency, and high temperature resistance, and are mainly used for packaging drugs such as blood products and vaccines.
Metal packaging materials: such as aluminum foil, tin foil, etc., have good barrier, conductivity, corrosion resistance, and recyclability, and are mainly used for the packaging of antibiotics, biological products, vaccines, and other drugs.
Paper packaging materials, such as cardboard, cardboard boxes, etc., have good printability, foldability, recyclability, and environmental friendliness, and are mainly used for the packaging of oral preparations, topical drugs, and other drugs.