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Classification of drug packaging materials

Classification of drug packaging materials

Oct 13.2023
In drug packaging, packaging materials play an important role in the quality, expiration date, packaging form, and sales cost of drugs. The basic properties of packaging materials are stability, barrier performance, structural performance, and processability. The high-quality requirement for packaging materials is the inner packaging materials of drugs, followed by the middle and outer packaging materials. Commonly used packaging materials and containers can be divided into five categories based on their composition: plastic, glass, rubber, metal, and composite materials. According to the shape used, it can be divided into types such as containers, sheets, films, bags, stoppers, caps, and auxiliary purposes. The applicable range of commonly used medicinal packaging materials and containers is shown in Table 1. Table 1 Common Medicinal Packaging Materials and Applicable Scope of Containers [Illustration] Pharmaceutical packaging containers can be divided into three categories based on their sealing performance: sealed containers, airtight containers, and sealed containers. Closed containers can prevent solid foreign objects from invading, and commonly used materials are cardboard boxes, paper bags, etc; Airtight containers can prevent the invasion of solid foreign objects and liquids, and commonly used materials include plastic bags, glass bottles, etc; Sealed containers can prevent the invasion of gases and microorganisms, and commonly used materials are glass sealed bottles (ampoules, penicillin bottles, etc.).